ComeThinkAgain Cookie Policy

The ComeThinkAgain website, co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Alliance for Innovation program for research and innovation (hereinafter, the “website”), uses cookies for various reasons, which will be explained below. Every time you visit the Website, you will be asked to accept or reject cookies.


What are cookies?

There are various types of cookies, which can be differentiated by their characteristics and functions. Cookies are small text files that may be stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. These small files allow websites to remember user preferences, such as language, font and other display settings, among others, for a certain period of time. Therefore, cookies allow the website to remember your preferences so that you don’t have to re-enter them while you navigate different pages on this website or when you visit it again.

But cookies also serve other purposes. Some cookies, known as “technical cookies,” serve operational purposes and are necessary for the website’s function. These cookies typically don’t require your consent. Additionally, cookies can also be used to gather anonymized data about your behavior on our website, which may be used for statistical or advertising purposes.

Not all cookies will be managed or owned by this website. Some cookies on this website are managed by third party websites or web servers. Examples of these cookies include Google Analytics cookies, which are used to distinguish users. For more information on third-party cookies that this websitemay use and how these third parties may use your information, please refer to the policies on their respective websites.

In the case of this website, please refer to Google’s Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, and to opt-out, please see here.


How does this website use cookies?

The website uses cookies to improve your browsing experience and also to gather analytics data about your behavior on the website. The former is done to ensure the website’s operation, while the latter aims to gather information in order to improve user experience continuously. All behavioral data gathered by the website is anonymized.


What types of cookies does this site use?

This website uses two types of cookies. The WordPress cookie (wordpress_test_cookie) is used on the front-end—it does not require users to be logged in—and checks to see if cookies are enabled on the browser and saves that information.

We also use Google Analytics cookies, which allow us to measure how users interact with our website. For more information about Google Analytics cookies, please refer to this page.


How can I manage cookies on this website?

You can delete all the cookies that are on your device by clearing your browser’s history, which will eliminate the cookies from all the websites you’ve visited. It is important to note that this may result in the loss of some saved information, such as login details and site preferences. Additionally, if you employ different browsers to access this website, your cookie preferences will be reset if you block or delete cookies from this website.

For instructions on how to manage cookies on your browser, click here for Chrome, here for Safari, here for Firefox, and here for Microsoft Edge.

Another option available to you is blocking cookies from being placed on your devices. However, this may result in you having to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit this website, a page on this website, or other sites. And in some cases, blocking or deleting cookies, e.g. technical or function cookies, may result in some functions not working properly at all. This website could possibly become impossible to use or browse, among other errors.